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Laura-Jane Ryves


Laura-Jane specialises in transformational philanthropy at the University of Warwick. Previously, she was Director of Development and Alumni Engagement at Loughborough Schools Foundation where she launched a strategic major gift programme which raised £3.3 million in the first 18 months and won the IDPE Award for Ambition and Progress.

Laura-Jane has a background in major gift fundraising working with individuals, corporates, trusts and foundations at the University of Kent, King’s College London, Loughborough University and the University of East Anglia. Her fundraising journey began with the CASE Graduate Trainee programme during the £600 million World Questions | King’s Answers campaign.

Beyond her professional roles, Laura-Jane serves as a Trustee of the Dawson & Fowler Foundation, volunteers as a conference speaker and mentors new fundraising professionals across the UK.

Why apply?

“Just one donor can make a principal gift that creates a ripple that changes lives for generations to come. I applied to the Elischer Programme because I want to grow beyond my comfort zone and tactically build my leadership and influencing skills to achieve more impact. Having a mentor outside my organisation to act as a critical friend will help me talk through challenges and offer different perspectives and ideas. I’m looking forward to expanding my peer network and meeting likeminded fundraisers who want to deliver a step change in the sector.”

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